PARENTS OF TODDLERS, your games of hide and seek just got infinitely better.
A few weeks ago, Dan and Kallie Iverson decided to strap a GoPro to their toddler’s head as they played hide and seek, so they could track their little one as he ran through the house looking for his Mam and Dad.
The experiment did not disappoint.
They caught a glimpse of him legging it around the house like a headless chicken.
And they got an insight into his thought process as he ambled around and decided where to go next.
While he looked for them, they hid in a cupboard and watched the whole thing on their phone while barely stifling their laughter.
In the end, the family dog led the toddler to his parents’ whereabouts and the end result is totally delightful.
That’s your weekend plan sorted!
Watch the video in full here.
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